Rental/Booking Services


We provide Private car and driver rental Services, our professional driver can pick up, transfer and travel between Kyoto, Osaka, Nara or Kobe. 

The services ranges from for $ 550 – $990 (¥80,000 – ¥120,000) depending on the packages, cities and services required


You can experience one of the thousand years of Japanese traditional culture by booking a tea ceremony lesson 


Kyoto’s Gion is the famous Geisha center where you can see the unique Geisha girls wearing traditional Kimono walking around the street. Gion also has lots of bars and restaurants in which you can experience the traditional Geisha performance. We highly recommend to book one for your Japan’s cultural exploration.


Full kimono Rental Services including dressing and hair styling by professionals, with no cutting corners.

Dressing Japanese traditional Kimono to sightsee the cultural heritages 0f Japan is romantic. It not only draws lot of admirable attention and experience the Japanese Culture. You can also take lot of beautiful photos to share with your friends in your social medias or simply for your own memory.
But dressing Kimono is not an easy thing and complicated. We provide full  Kimono rental services including in house dressing and hair styling handled  by professional personnel to guarantee your perfect made-up.

We provide different Set Rental Plan starting from 2,980 to 5,980 yen (USD$19.9-39.9)

Standard Plan 3,980 yen (tax excluded)

Choose freely from over 300 kimonos, belts, and bags.
Enjoy seeing the sights in Kyoto in an outfit you created yourself.

  *  Customers under 150 cm in height (small),
over 170 cm (tall), and heavy-set customers (wide) can choose from the Special Size Plan.

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